This one is lest anybody forgets exactly what lies underneath the glossy exterior of SHAC.
More news from SHACWATCHER:-
During the recent Animal Rights Spring Gathering there was some interesting side discussions about SHAC and the current debate over infiltration. In the lead up to the gathering an undercover police officer was found to have been involved in the planning of the event.
The officer was of course pushed out however a number of activist believed this was the direct result of the widespread infiltration of SHAC by either police or private security because the police undercover agent was originly vouched for by two SHAC people who have subsequently dropped out of the scene and are widely thought to have been cops as well.
One or two of the Veggies crew are very angry because it was now known the SUMAC centre was probably bugged as well which has compromised some of their work.Once again it all comes back to SHAC
The biggest mistake is for he polcie to assume that their informers are not also capable of committing crime.
Dunstable Division CID made this assumption with a former burglar turned informant in Arlesey. It eventually transpired that he was a serial rapist, using well-timed revelations about burglars and drug dealers to ensure that polcie would be over stretched and elsewhere on nights when he planned to rape someone. He was only caught, by Hitchin police, when he actually held a girl captive for two weeks, in a flat near Hitchin police station.
The trouble with intelligence-led policing, is that police are led by the person who supplies the intelligence, and if that happens to be a manipulative criminal, they can end up as unwitting accessories to a serial rapist, or they can end up putting the wrong man in jail for the Rachel Manning murder.
It would be most unwise of NETCU to actually trust, or automatically believe, any of their many sources in the AR movement. They may tell the truth, but it could turn out to be a very selective bit of the truth.
Some AR case-files need to move from NETCU and Special Branch to the Serious Fraud Office. And if they looked at some of the biggest fraudsters, in more "mainstream" groups than SHAC (one based in Cape Cod, say) they might find that the man who founded the group has a history predating AR, going all the way back to the Welsh Nationalist bombing campaign against the investiture for the prince of wales in the sixties. Which killed two activists and blew the legs off a schoolboy on holiday, the day after one of their bombs was meant to go off.
A lot of peeps think that the current SHAC infiltrator is probably a private investigator working for somebody like HLS or one of the big pharma firms that have been SHAC targets. The police got all the info they needed after the arrests of the old leadership, Gregg, Heather and Natasha etc etc. It's clear that most of the organisations that SHAC target know well in advance about demos and actions so this is probably an info for hire type operation. There are a number of firms who do this work employing ex military and Intelligence Service people. They provide info via undercover informants who through their willingness to do the tedious day to day work quickly rise up the structure.
Other AR groups are well aware of this problem within SHAC and do not involve them in planning etc but of course out of solidarity do not want to talk about it openly for fear of losing even more support and falling membership.
We no longer think that the SUMAC centre was bugged after all. I think that most people now understand the recordings were done by the undercover police with that special mobile phone.
We think it is quite sweet they go to all that trouble just for us.
Have a nice (Vegan) day
Nottingham Animal Rights Group rejects completely the idea that the Sumac centre has been bugged or that the details of individual activists or supporters were betrayed to the police through electronic means.
We are aware of the involvement of one individual in the planning of a number of Animal Rights related events who it seems likely was a police office working undercover.
We are unable to confirm if this individual recorded meetings and discusions but it seems very probable, this covert and overt monitoring of perfectly legal protest is something that we have come to accept. The State fears us and our struggle.
Nottingham Animal Rights, Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham, NG7 6HX
Phone 0845 458 9595 or email nar@veggies.org.uk
Website: http://www.veggies.org.uk/nar/
Shame about the arrogant toffs who ruined the gathering at Sumac by playing loud music all night!
Patrick had to pull the plug out of the music system and the toffs [Alan Buttle and Lia Amos] went and found a generator and put the music back on until gone 5am. Thye have since laughed their toff heads off about thisbraying how Patrick went MENNNTTTAAALLL!!!!
They even had the cheek to raid the food in the basement.
Buttle said that it's stupid for an AR gathering@ to power down at 10pm.
Cops and professional infiltrators couldn't have done a better job in disrupting and wrecking the gathering. Sleep deprivation is used as a tactic by police at large activist events.
Not even UK SHAC members can be in two countries at once.
Anyone not in Brentwood when this happened in Sweden?
woops - some people will not be pleased that a couple of the Veggies / Sumac group decided to go public with this. There was a push to try and keep in secret but as it has already been discussed at length on at least one AR discussion board that's probably a waste of time.
Will there be an apology from SHAC as it was a trusted SHAC individual who first vouched for this copper ? - I would assume not, we know that SHAC hate addmitting their mistakes.
Meanwhile -
Will some Sumac people take their revenge for having been duped by exposing the SHAC individual they suspect of being in the pay of HLS ?
Will the SHAC leading light who we know took money to help pay off his debts admit who he took it from or will it be left to SHACWatch to spill the beans ?
Watch this space !
Nottingham Animal rights Group said they,
" reject(s) completely the idea that the Sumac centre has been bugged or that the details of individual activists or supporters were betrayed to the police through electronic means."
however they then go on to say,
"We are aware of the involvement of one individual in the planning of a number of Animal Rights related events who it seems likely was a police office working undercover. We are unable to confirm if this individual recorded meetings and discusions but it seems very probable"
This seems to come down to semantics, they say that Sumac was not bugged but admit that the copper who was at all the meetings was, this seems to come down to the same thing. Everything that was said at the meetings was recorded. More than that how do they know that Sumac was and is not bugged, have they checked, do they even know how to start looking ? We can assume the plod hvae some fairly trick bits of kit that the average activist has no idea of how to recognise. electronic snooping of this kind is a peace of cake and as we saw in the earlier SHAC trials produces evidence that quickly leads to arrests and convictions.
Names of the two?
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