As widely predicted the sick joke - The Animal Protection Party polled less than the Monster Raving Loony party! As they collapsed they wasted £2,000 donated by innocent fools who thought they were helping animals.
Wake up SHAC - nobody supports your tired sick agenda - you define 'minority' - you will not be allowed to impose your stupid and repulsive views on others!
More cages await.
The money was not wasted, that kind of price is not bad for that number of leaflets to be distributed door-to-door.
yeah i voted monster raving loony they have some great ideas not like these losers .
The leaflets cost extra - the £2,000 was in deposits lost as the APP didn't garner even a tiny minority of votes
Well done APP, you successfully lost £2,000 in deposits that could have gone to help animals. The conservative party that you have supposedly "helped" to elect in Oxford will equally support vivisection, so no change there! Also I'm sure Keith Mann, your president, won't have a problem losing the money as all the money from his stalls seems to have disappeared over the years. Not someone who can be trusted with any financial gains. Perhaps the APP name should be changed to KMPP as they only serve to protect his interests and ego anyway. As for Northern Tracey, his APP/KMPP crony, and her admiration towards Keith, get over it, Keith finds fat women absolutely repulsive, a quote from Alice, his wife, I think you'll find!
Incomparison to a walking drug-addled skeleton I guess a size 12 might look 'fat'. As for fancying Keith, no thanx, some of us can work with the opposite sex without having a sexual attraction to them. Sounds like someone is a tad jealous.......
This isn't ALF Mr & Mrs - take your playgrong spat elsewhere.
Again Tracy Rawlings you are under the illusion that you and the APP [who plan to attack Cancer Research UK] have only one critic.
I know that you think that "someone from Camden" wrote that comment about you but she didn't. Are you going to accuse Keith Mann's wife of being a drug addled skeleton as well, seeing as she is slim?
Your regular comments about people who criticise you as being "mental" is
indicative of your abusive nature. Most abusers, including school bullies and perpetrators of domestic violence claim that their targets and victims are "mental". It's written in many school bullying leaflets, sexual abuse leaflets and domestic violence leaflets. Your nasty little campaign against other activists is about as tasteful as attacking Cancer Research UK.
The fact that you accuse "someone from Camden" every time someone says anythiug about you is a joke, it is telling about your self delusion and quite dangerous for you, as you and your APP have rather more critics and enemies than you think.
Has it occurred to you that a man might have written those comments about you, you stalking little fatty?
Does SHACWATCH know anything about Lee Devenport being arrested for fruad, having stolen money from Uncaged?
If SHACWATCH documented every case of fraud and theft of donations that have been linked to SHAC there would be very little else on the site !
The use of SHAC fund raisng to fund the lifestyles of various members is now so well known it's hardly worth talking about. Adrian Radford has talked about what Natasha Avery spent donations on. Trevor Holmes was well known for his "expenses". Even Virginia Steele has asked about what her money was being spent on.
At one stage each SHAC street stall was generating around £200 a day after costs (this has dropped to about £30 now and there are far less stalls) with some insiders estimating that about 50% of this went directly to supporting the lifestles of Greg, Natasha and Heather.
The good news is that animal rights supporters are much more clued up these days and spend their money where it weill help animals not fund Greg's holidays.
A word of advice to Northern Tracey, Keith Mann has in the past been known to use and abuse women and when they no longer are of any use to him he then accuses them of being infiltrators. On the question of stalls and money going missing, I personally worked with Keith Mann on a stall and saw him pocket every penny which he used later that evening to purchase drugs for his personal use. He is not to be trusted. You have been warned Tracey!
Yes, I agree, Keith Mann is obsessed with money. He gets funded from various misguided hero-worshipping women while always claiming to have nothing. His book has pocketed him at least £30,000 and yet the animals have seen nothing in ways of donations. On top of that he claims every benefit going and still ponces off everyone he knows, claiming it's for the good of the animals. Yet he is the only one who ever capitalises. And the ones he gets the most off are the ones he slags off the most once they've sussed out what he's really like!
Oh really? Well if you witnessed it and did nothing you would be complicit in the theft.
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