There is no other way to describe this - the pointless waste of oxygen above is Janet Tomlinson - she was actively involved in the disgusting and morally bankrupt campaign that ended up digging up the bones of a grandmother . Janet can't handle the shame of that fact and refuses to accept her guilt.
She is now refusing to pay her TV licence because the BBC broadcast the truth - they have even wasted their time and money dealing with a complaint from Janet that naturally found her to be wrong - again!
The BBC pointed out that the caged defendants knew where the body was buried - literally!
Shacwatch suggest she be locked up for her current crime - nothing else will get through.
As we have said before - you did do that - you are that sick - own your guilt and grow up.
Perhaps Janet can give us all a statement now on why having told others that using medication that had been developed using animals was "disgusting" and "morally repugnant" she felt it was ok for her when she had breast cancer back in 2004 ? Janet was apparently more than willing to momentarily put aside her lofty principles and accept for herself what she is committed to denying others: access to the full armamentarium of diagnostic tools and treatments necessary to deal with potentially devastating health problems.
Perhaps she could pass on a word of thanks to those doctors who using animals as part of their research produced the drugs that saved her life ?
If she's allowed to get away with this, it won't be long before FIFA and the FA follow her example, so perhaps an example should be made of her.
I expect most of these will come together this sunday with their tsall in kensington , fund raising and making plans for their next move . A good chance to keep an ear to the ground and pass on any info they let slip .
Jon Ablewhite and one of his casual girlfriends from Liverpool were the main brains behind the grave robbing episode.
The lovely Janet Tomlinson whose involvement in the harrasment of May Hudson over a period of five years is still under investigation.
For eight years May Hudson, a 67-year-old widow, cleaned the house of Chris and Margaret Hall, who live at the Hallgrave Farm. For five of them she withstood the intimidation. But she resigned when three vehicles owned by her children were sprayed with paint-stripper and she received death threats. Her only link was to be a cleaner for the Hall family, she was nearly driven to a nervous breakdown.
Perhaps Janet can give us all a statement now on why having told others that using medication that had been developed using animals was "disgusting" and "moraly repugnent" she felt it was ok for her when she had breast cancer back in 2004 ? Janet was apparently more than willing to momentarily put aside her lofty principles and accept for herself what she is committed to denying others: access to the full armamentarium of diagnostic tools and treatments necessary to deal with potentially devastating health problems.
Perhaps she could pass on a word of thanks to those doctors who using animals as part of their research produced the drugs that saved her life ?
No stranger to a good dinner is she ?
May Hudson's bravery in the face of the relentless pressure from the SHAC scum is an inspiration to anyone who is targeted by these people. Only when her children were attacked did she finaly relent but SHAC never broke her.
She was called at all hours of the day and night, letters were sent threatening rape and death, her house was daubed with obsentities (cleaned off on each occasion by her supportive neighbours) and leaflets were dropped through the letterboxs of houses near hers saying the most vile things. Despite all this she never cracked, never gave in. All this against a 67 year old woman who was no more than a cleaner at the Hall house. SHAC were never brave enough to face her prefering as usual to operate in the shadows.
May Hudson never let them win, speaking on local TV she said,
"I remember my father going off to war, he said that bullies must be stood up to and that's what I was doing. Every time it got tough I thought of him standing there in his uniform and saying it. I only stopped working when I though my grandson might be their next target"
SHAC will never win when faced with people such as May Hudson
SHAC making use of the same drugs they want to deny others is nothing new, Lyn Sawyer did it in the UK so did Josh Harper in the USA for his testicular cancer.
The hypocricy of Tomlinson is that she did it in her words not for herself but because "I can do more good for animals staying alive than dying."
Tomlinson has no way to measure the impact of the "good" she, personally, accomplishes for animals. And the "good" she might accomplish for the AR cause must be balanced off against the bad - especially the bad publicity focussing on her self-serving hypocrisy (she is saying, in effect: "I'll accept treatment - my life is more important than the life of your unborn child, who I would deny the benefits of future medical advances") and the harm she does to other animals by feeding profits (from her medications) into the hated pharmaceutical system that will use a portion of them to experiment on still more animals.
We though Sawyer was self obsessed but Tomlinson takes it to a new level.
May Hudson received a letter threatening to desecrate her late husband's grave if she did not leave the firm.
The letter read: "Anthony will rest in peace. We know where he is, it's up to you whether he stays there."
John Smith told police where the body of Gladys Hammond's was but for sure Jon Ablewhite, Kerry Whitburn and Josephine Mayo all knew as well.
"The desecration of Gladys Hammond's grave went way beyond any rational understanding of protest," said Det Ch Insp Nick Baker who investigated the case
It was nearly six months after the crime that he made a national television appeal on BBC's Crimewatch programme for the activists to prove they had her body.
Immediately after the programme John Smith collected Jon Ablewhite and Kerry Whitburn from their homes in the West Midlands. They drove to Brackenhurst Wood in Newchurch, near the guinea pig farm. On 16 March 2005 Smith's car was stopped by police and a collapsible spade, headlamp, balaclava and camouflaged clothing was found. These were all found to be linked to the grave site and the body after it was recovered.
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