SHAC Germany joins SHAC Canada in the cock up parade.
in the night of 9 december 2010 an attempted arson attack took place on a building of Astra Zeneca(AZ) in Wedel, Germany. After cutting through the fence, four petrol bombs were placed around the building. Two never went off, a third burnt for a few minutes and then went out, the fourth burned for about ten minutes until the fire brigade arrived and out it put with a quick squirt of a hose.
The good news is that German police were able to collect excellent forensic evidence including DNA from one of the bombs that didn't go off.
SHAC Canada - demos at wrong sites
SHAC Sweden - demos at wrong site
SHAC Germany - Attack fails
SHAC UK - everyone who matters in prison
SHAC France - two demos then gave up
SHAC Holland - leaders all arrested
SHAC Belgium - Leaders all in prison
SHAC Italy - one demo, gave up
SHAC USA - everyone in prison
SHAC Ireland - demos down to two people
Huntingdon Life Sciences - Expanding operations, profits up, new site up and running with SHAC having no idea of where it is, important drug testing continuing, lives being saved.
Thanks SHACWATCHERUPDATEFurther to the round up there is one country's failure that so deserves a mention
SHAC Poland, three pimply students in need of a good wash and a square meal had a demo outside the office of Astra Zeneca in Katowice. The Poles have a more robust approach to site security and one of the guards came out and shouted at them which caused the only man there to burst into tears. The girls comforted him and they went home to lick their wounds.
Funny I agree but the best is yet to come, one of the guards recognised one of the girls and he went to see her priest, all stopped demos when the priest told their mothers what they were doing.