Greatest failure of 2008 - SHAC for it's historically poor campaign ending in jail
Biggest hypocrite 2008 - Debbie Vincent for her refusal to admit all the animal tested drugs 'she' took to reassign her gender - failure as a man - failure as a woman - a failed human being.
Most parasitic 2008 - Loony Lynn for her sickening misuse of the young and idealistic.
Worst IT support 2008 - Gavin Medd-Hall for spectacular failures leading to the mass conviction of SHAC.
Fool of the Year - Alan Buttle for a spectacular spiral of yobbish behavior archiving nothing except an ASBO.
Most physically Repulsive 2008 - Sarah Gisbourne- just look at her!
Most Spineless 2008 - Greg, Natasha and Dan for pleading guilty.
Most Stupid 2008 - Heather, Gavin and the others for NOT pleading guilty.
Least Likely to be seen again (ever) - Trevor Holmes.
Have you noticed how all the chirpy little 'do me next' posts from the lunatics have all stopped?
Any ideas why?
Medawar has noticed that amongst the blogger "gadgets" are "countdowns" to events, such as the launch of a space shuttle or George Bush leaving office.
Wouldn't this be jolly fun?
What are the conditions of The Fool's ASBO?? Just in case I see him around town abusing some other innocents?
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