Sunday, April 24, 2011

Shacwatch Teeshirt design compo !




We can do it too - and our designs are factually correct!


Anonymous said...

wow! i love the 'children crying in the night' one ! i dont get the the first one though? how does digging up a gross old body match torturing innocent living beings? SHES DEAD YOU STUPID DILDOS SHE DONT CARE! HAHAH your website is so funny!

bored of shac said...

So... Bin Laden is dead, how long before all the crazy conspiracy theorists who run shac nowadays start saying that it is all a ruse by those pesky lizards and the New World Order?

Anonymous said...

SHACWATCH may be interested in the worrying developments in Sweden where the links between SHAC and the Far Right have already been well documented.

SHAC Sweden did not start well as an organisation when it managed to organise a protest outside the house of the wrong person (a dentist) but that was harmless enough compared to what has happened over the past 12 months.

SHAC and extremist Far Right thugs are now openly working together with an example last week when what was supposed to be a demo outside of Astra Zeneca's Swedish HQ in Södertälje become later on a nasty verbal attack on a Morrocan student who happened to be walking past. The student had no connection to Astra Zeneca but was first abused as a "valp mördare" (a puppy killer) however once he made clear he was nothing to do with Astra Zeneca the mood changed with shouts of "gå hem" (go home)and "komma tillbaka till ditt hemland" (go back to your country).

Fortunatly the Astra Zeneca security guards saw and heard this (one of them was black which only further enraged the Fascist thugs of SHAC) and they offered him the protection of their building. The black security guard was visibly angry and it was only his colleague's intervention that stopped these racist freaks getting the beating they deserved.

SHAC does nothing to stop this close working relationship between its offshoot and the Far Right some we must assume they condone it. Cleary SHAC's must repeated "concern for all animals" does not apply if it is a non white human animal.

bored of shac said...

@anonymous. come on mate, we're all pretty bored of shac here but where is this racial attack documented? How do we know it's true? your argument would be a lot stronger if you could prove how wacky they all are

Anonymous said...

A certain shac or ex shac supporter who stood for the bnp , a few years ago .She went on holiday to Norway , i wonder if she met anyone from the far right !.